But Isn't It Dangerous?
These days, I don't really think long and hard about traveling somewhere new. I spend a few hours researching and preparing myself for the weather, customs, and hardships I'm likely to encounter. I try to make a list of the things I'd like to see and how I'll manage transportation, and I go. I don't panic on the plane or behind the wheel of my trusty Honda Civic. I spend remarkably little of my travel time thinking about what's coming. I would be remiss not to acknowledge the anxiety that peeks out from behind the excitement as I get closer. There's a point at which I know I'll have to spring into action again, navigate an airport (or an unexpectedly chaotic turnoff from a highway I'm not particularly familiar with). I trust in my own ability to "show up" because I've gotten myself through before, and there's no reason to suspect I'll fail this time around. The places change. But it's still me, the Intrepid Adventurebra...